Thursday, 23 April 2009

Prophecy 23rd April 2009 The armies of angels

This prophecy came to me on the morning of 23rd April 2009.

The Lord said,

“The armies of angels who have been gathering in heaven are now descending upon the earth. For they have heard the blast of the Shofar.”

“Archangel Michael is fighting with great valor.”

“Wickedness and evil is being destroyed from all the nations of the earth.”

“Never before has such a battle been fought as it is today,”

Thus saith the Lord.

Heavenly Spiritual Realm Ley Lines Activated Prophecy

Warning do not go near any Ley Lines unless you Are a Christian.

The Holy World grid system has been activated by Yahweh.

The world calls it ley lines, which criss-cross our planet, or energy lines. Well, in fact they are Holy lines, manifestations of the Heavenly spiritual realm, the angels, visions and dreams as spoken of by the prophet Joel, and written in the book of Acts, is now coming to fruition.

Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions, for I the Lord Yahweh, am pouring out my spirit upon all flesh.

The spirit realm is now invading the physical realm to such an extent that it will be hard to tell the difference between the two,

and thus will intensify until it reaches it’s peak in heralding in the SON OF MAN, JESUS CHRIST. Who will eventually set up His kingdom here on earth ruling as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Thus saith the Lord.

Easter prophecy 10th April 09

The Lord said, that all things, all creation speaks. The grass, and the trees as they burst into life, the animals and the birds which sing their songs, cry out that “ JESUS IS RISEN”.

Even the very stones, if you could hear them, cry out, “CHRIST IS RISEN”.

Yes, all creation cries out, “CHRIST IS RISEN”.

For all things were made by Him, for without Him nothing was made, which was made.

Saith the LORD YAHWEH.

Prophecy Ley Lines Warning 8th April o9

Warning do not go near any Ley Lines unless you Are a Christian.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Prophecy sixth of April 2009

This prophecy came unto me this morning the sixth of April 2009, to the nation of England.
“ Woe unto saith the Lord Yahweh, for many woes shall come upon your nation, woes of suffering, misfortune, affliction, grief, ruinous trouble, calamity, and economic woes of sorrows.” “ For you have rejected me and gone over to the worship of baal, for all who do not worship Yahweh through Jesus Christ, the only true God, worships the so-called god baal”
“ But in these times of great woes, I will gather my people as a hen gathers her chicks under her wing, and my people will be protected and comforted always, saith the Lord Yahweh.”