Word of Knowledge 1st October2009
This word of knowledge was revealed to me this morning, referring to the new flashing star in the eastern sky.
The name of this new flashing star is called Zarangel Star, it is the star spoken of in Revelation 9. 1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
The position of the star can be found, it rises in the east and sets in the west at approx 10pm GMT. It flashes rapidly, glowing red and white, you will be astonished when you see it.
It is the only star that flashes with such an intensity of red and looks like the flashing light on the top of a police car. It is astonishing people all over the world.
Do not fear it when you see it, but rejoice for it is the sign of your Saviour, Yeshua Hamashia ( JesusChrist ). The only one that can and will save you, for there is no other one given by YHWH( God), that can save you, only Yeshua Hamashia ( Jesus Christ ).
This new star is not the star which has been pictured by the moon in some recent photographs on the internet, and it is not the bright flashing star which is below the belt of Orion, it is unmistakable, it flashes red a warning to the people of the world, a sign to the people of YHWH.
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